midseason sale


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Forever Pieces

If you look back in history of the women who are most memorable and most stylish, they were never the followers of fashion. They were the ones who were unique in their style.
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Fall Editorial

If you look back in history of the women who are most memorable and most stylish, they were never the followers of fashion.
Sandell Agency, ditt agentbyrå og underholdsningsleverandør

Om oss

Sandell Agency er et agency med fokus på artistutvikling, management, booking & event i hele Norge. Vår lidenskap er å få drømmer realisert og få deg/dem opp og frem i lyset. Alle fortjener å skinne. Til ditt arrangement/fest har Sandell Agency samarbeidspartnere innenfor mat & drikke, lokaler, bemanning, underholdning, utstyr, m.m – Alt du måtte trenge for en fantastisk opplevelse. Vi skreddesyr ditt julebord, din sommerfest. m.m                          
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